Much Ado About the Fall Play
Summit Louth and Anika Reiner practicing their lines on the Silver Creek stage in the auditorium.
It’s been roughly a year since SCHS has had a production of any sorts in the auditorium, which is why this year’s fall play is an exciting one; however, COVID-19 precautions might impact the play’s success.
For the production this year, the Silver Creek cast will be performing the Shakespearian classic Much Ado About Nothing, which was written in 1588 and finished in 1599. It is a comedy about love and confusion,the perfect theme for high schoolers. The school’s play director and mastermind behind all of this is James Holtz, a retired SCHS teacher.
Holtz is not only the theater director at Silver Creek but he’s also the speech and debate coach. He’s been teaching high school for about thirty years, six of those years spent at Creek, and is now in the process of retirement. For the school’s first production since the pandemic, Holtz picked Much Ado About Nothing. “I’m very partial to Shakespear, and I’ve directed three other Shakespearean plays in the past,” Holtz says, “… it’s a script that I’m really familiar with.”
The main characters of Much Ado About Nothing are Benedict, played by sophomore Summit Louth, who has been in Holtz’s drama classes before, and Beatrice, played by senior Anika Reiner. The play is filled with drama, romance, and some excellent dancing.
Both parties are concerned with how COVID precautions are going to affect the play. Although the cast can interact with each other, Louth and Holtz both say the crew are required to wear masks. “It’s really awkward because I have kissing scenes with Beatrice [Anika Reiner]” Louth explains “And when we have to kiss we just mash our faces together.”
Another problem with COVID regulations is the auditorium and its limits set by Boulder County. Regularly, the auditorium can fit up to 350 people. COVID nearly halves that, only allowing for 175 in the auditorium. Not only is Holtz worried about how COVID will affect the play but he’s also worried about the lack of enthusiasm for the theatrical arts.
But, Holtz shouldn’t worry too much. Freshman Ella Perry is elated to see her first Silver Creek play. “I’m friends with [Summit Louth] so obviously I’m going to all his shows,” She gushes.
Sarah Heilbronner, beloved English teacher and a Shakespeare lover herself, gave an extremely enthusiastic “Yes!” when asked if she was interested in going to the fall play when it premiers.
All things considered, the Silver Creek student body is excited for their first in real life play since the beginning of COVID and hopefully for future productions to come.

Mia Frazier is a senior at Silver Creek High School. She is in many school organizations and is an active member of her community but, in her free time,...