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The Talon Tribune

The Student News Site of Silver Creek High School

The Talon Tribune

The Talon Tribune


We are Silver Creek High School’s news website, The Talon Tribune. We are a student-based newspaper and love spreading the news to our community. The goal of our paper is to inform students and staff about recent happenings within the Silver Creek High School and the local community.

Here at The Talon Tribune, we try and bring as many parts of our community together. We report on all aspects of Silver Creek, from the Art department to our very own Student Resource Officers. We want to represent everyone equally and to give them a place where their voices are heard. In that manner, we have writings from our Creative Writing class, a blog written by our Student Resource Officers, we are even working with the Silver Creek Leadership Academy to include some capstone projects. We are always looking for new ways to involve other aspects of Silver Creek’s community! 

Freedom of Speech:
The Talon Tribune is a publication led by the journalism class at Silver Creek High School.  The expression made by students in the exercise of freedom of speech or of freedom of the press is not an expression of the St Vrain Valley School District’s Board of Education.  The views expressed in the publication, and in the comments, do not necessarily represent the views of the staff, adviser, Silver Creek High School administration, or the St Vrain Valley School District Administration.  

The Silver Creek High School news publication has been around for almost 20 years. There have been various developments of the paper over the last twenty years. In the early years, what is now known as The Talon Tribune, published a physical paper.  Ms. Jamie Neufeld led the course and club for the first 12 years. Due to lack of funding, the publication was dropped. A few years later, the program was picked up by Mr. DeFilippo and Ms. Heilbronner. With them in charge of Silver Creek news, a blog by the name of Creek Speak was created. Creek Speak ran for two years, and during the 2019-2020 school year, the program was picked up by Ms. Drake, where The Talon Tribune was revived and the program moved to a more professional website. Under Ms. Drake, the program is now a semester-long class for beginning journalists and a year-long class for the editors taking advanced journalism.

Thanks to Silver Creek’s Education Foundation we are able to utilize SNO’s Flow program to make our publication process more efficient. We have an extensive writing process that starts in our drafting stage to ensure our information is correct and worthy of your attention and time. Our reporters are responsible for their interviews, writing of the articles, and photography for all their articles. Our Editor in Chief, Kylie Hallisey, is in charge of the website design and maintenance, along with doing final edits on articles and providing support to writers when needed. Ms. Drake, our advisor, oversees the whole operation. Along with teaching the content of the class, she edits and provides feedback on all articles before they move on to our editor. Our editing process starts after students get complete interviews and rough drafts. Every article is peer-reviewed by other reporters, advisor reviewed, and then, finally, reviewed by our Editor in Chief before being published. 

Comment Policy:
Comments should be submitted with the utmost respect in mind as this is a student newspaper. Although we are under no obligation to respond to the comments, we will try to answer comments as soon and as effectively as possible. If we believe that your comment has violated our comment policy, we can and will remove the comment in violation. If you desire a response to your comment, the most effective way to get a response is to leave your email address and name. 

Contact Information:
If you want to contact The Talon Tribune, please do so. Our program is located at Silver Creek High School, 4901 Nelson Rd, Longmont, Colorado. The school phone number is (720)-494-3721. Our Journalism advisor is Ms. Drake, [email protected].




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