Silver Creek Students Striving to Help The Environment
In hope to make Silver Creek High School more eco-friendly, and help the school environment, Silver Creek Students have the opportunity to join an Environmental club. Environmental club is held in E202 in Ms. Barbra Keith’s room every Monday after school. The club has a goal of helping the environment in any way they can. A small contribution goes a long way.
Environmental club participates in activities in hope to help the environment. This includes educating others on disposing of their materials properly, sampling water, going on hikes, picking up trash etc. These activities are in hope to connect with nature, lower the school’s waste, and make a positive change.
Although the Environmental club is supervised by Keith, the club allows the members to take charge. The club is run by the president, and several what are called officers. Officers of the Environment club assist with managing the club and help the president with social media posts. Being the president comes responsibilities such as running social media accounts, sending out group emails, working on the agenda, collaborating with Keith, and working with organizations. Emma Milczuk, senior at Silver Creek High School and president of the Environment Club, speaks highly of not only the club’s impact but also the people involved.
“It’s fun to be with such a good group of people no matter what project we’re working on,” says Milczuk in response to her favorite part of the environmental club.
Milczuk joined the Environment Club at the beginning of her sophomore year. She heard about the Environmental Club through a friend who talked very highly of the club. Milczuk became an officer during her junior year and then reached out to Keith about taking on the role as president for her senior year. Now, Milczuk is president of the Environmental Club, and is actively working to make a positive impact with the other members of the club.
The Environmental Club introduced the Greenstar School program school wide. This program allows more accessibility, and education on proper ways of disposing of materials. Including composting, and recycling anything that can be recycled. By doing this, many schools can prevent as much waste as possible and make their schools more eco friendly.
“Our subjects are the youth of the school,” says Milczuk.
Currently in the environmental club, members are brainstorming projects, and having Oceans First guests speak at their meetings. Ocean First is an educational program inspiring young minds to explore marine science. Environmental Club worked with Oceans First last year by doing a water sampling lab in the St. Vrain ditch. The members collected mason jars of water, and supplement samples then tested them.
Brielle Hickman, a junior who just recently joined the Environmental Club is enjoying the people she’s working with.
“My favorite part is getting together with people who share a similar passion as me, and being able to help out,” Hickman states.
Environmental Club emphasizes on the fact that a small change can lead to a bigger change. Therefore by picking up trash, disposing of materials properly, and educating others can lead to so much more. Hickman is passionate about helping out with people who share the same passion as her.
When speaking to environmental club officer Kavya Kataria, she explains the importance of connecting with nature, and getting outside.
“Connecting with nature, and going outside allows us to be more aware of our impact on the environment,” says Kataria.
Kataria makes a point on the impact we have on the environment. Little things like deposing our materials property when done correctly lead to progress. Environmental clubs goal is to help the environment in any way possible.
Silver Creek Environmental Club members are actively helping the environment and making our school community more eco friendly. If you’re interested in joining the environmental club, come to Ms. Keith’s room E202 Mondays after school!
Bailey Lambert is a junior at Silver Creek, and is taking journalism for the first time this semester. Bailey signed up to take this course because she...