Either in the classroom working on their events or at competitions the Silver Creek Science Olympiad Team is ready for any challenges that get thrown at them as they prepare for regionals on March 1st 2025.
“Silver Creek High School Science Olympiad department will overcome any challenge that you throw at us, whether it be regional, state or nationals,” Silver Creek sophomore, Apollo Johnson said.
Science Olympiad is a high school competition team where students can compete in various science-related fields. There are three groupings that students can compete in including lab-based sciences, building events, i.e. electric cars, and testing events . Also, three stages of the competition include regional, state and national.
Silver Creek has two teams, the Silver and Maroon Teams. Schools can have three teams but only two teams can make it to State.
Last year, current sophomore Cory Mandeville wanted to start a Science Olympiad team like the one that was at Altona Middle School a few years before. Cory reached out to possible advisors Ashlee Runyon and Rachel Turner. Having run it before,Runyon accepted and this move by Mandeville made Runyon start a Science Olympiad..
The Science Olympiad team debuted last year and made it to state. Taking home 15th place out of 30 teams participating in the event. “I was very pleased with how we did,” Runyon said.
“The most challenging part is making sure all of your notes are in order,” Sophomore Bennett Meier said. “It takes a while to compile the notes and if you do something wrong, you’re kind of in need of repair”
Not only are notes and knowledge important, but teams need soft skills to be successful. Sophomore Ethan Gregory has worked with Apollo Johnson on the electric car event. When Johnson was testing the car he put a different gear in and the car exploded, injuring Johnson.
”Communication with teammates and perseverance is key,” Gregory said
Communication paid off at the Science Olympiad Competition at Fossil Ridge High School on March 1st. The Silver Creek Maroon Team placed 4th out of the ‘C’ division which qualifies them for State. Even though the Silver Team did not qualify for state, the coaches and fellow students are still proud of them for the hard work they put in
Meier and senior David Dean are part of the Maroon team, they were very happy and proud of their teammates and their perseverance at the competition.
“I didn’t expect us to get fourth place. We also got a trophy,” Meier said. “So that was a surreal experience.”
The overall message is “Hard work pays off,” Dean said.
Meier, Dean and the Science Olympiad team know that there are going to be high expectations for the competition next year.
“Fourth place was possible by studying, knowing what your events are, cooperation between partners and our amazing coaches, Ms. Runyon and Ms. Turner,” Meier said. “Everything just fell into place.”
The Science Olympiad team will compete at state on April 5th, 2025 the Maroon team is excited to see what's next for them.