What is Your Favorite Part about Being a Police Officer?
March 9, 2021
Officer Stallings:
My favorite part of being a police officer is being able to solve problems. Sometimes problems present during a call for service, but sometimes we, as officers, become very familiar with individuals, families, and circumstances in their lives and there’s something at the root of the issue. I really enjoy, when time permits, being able to dig deeper to discover what the underlying cause of the behaviors are and try to figure out how we can help address the issues. It can be much more rewarding and long-term when we are able to actually be preventative, rather than punitive and reactive. Another part of my job that I enjoy is that there are hardly ever two days that are alike and I’m always learning. It definitely makes things more challenging, but it really encourages growth, both personally and professionally. And lastly, I love my current assignment as an SRO at Silver Creek because I get to watch students grow and hopefully get opportunities to contribute to their success. Although I am here to be a Police Officer and enforce laws and keep people safe, I also get to be a teacher, a counselor, an interventionist, a campus supervisor, and now….a staff writer!