Classes and Registration
At Silver Creek High School in Longmont, Colorado class registration is a hectic and involved process. The process can be completed easily and quickly if one sits down and put their mind to it.
Students may procrastinate on the registration, but is the most important part of the next school year. Class registration also takes about 20 minutes to complete making it easy but metaly prominent. Registration is an important part of the school year and can make or break a year.
Infinite Campus happens to be the place where you will register for your classes:
When you go to Infinite Campus you can look at the left side of the dock and go to ‘Academic Plan’ when you click next you can view your scheduled classes.
During registration time, you can type into the boxes and select the classes that you want to take. After selecting your classes, you can click ‘save’ on the top left of the screen to submit your academic plan.
You’re finished, congratulations! This process is very simple and can be done in the space of an afternoon but many people procrastinate because the task can sometimes seem overwhelming.
At Silver Creek, the person who does almost all of the class registration and schedules is Karen Norris, one of the three assistant principals.
“All of their requests were imputed manually by Ms. Norris” said Christina Tillery, a teacher at Silver Creek.
During the second semester of the school year, around January, students start to register for classes.
This process is the same for almost everyone. Although, in UHS (Universal High School), people register early and UHS works directly with Ms. Norris “no one missed the deadline” Christina Tillery said in an interview, while speaking to the registration process.
UHS has a much more tight-knit system that helps students maneuver through classes. While core classes do not change as much, new elective classes have been added.
For example, Journalism is a relatively new class that is just getting started. Elective classes are fun and evolve as you progress through the tree like art where you can take advanced, intermediate, and beginner classes.
One of the best places to do unique elective classes is the IC or CDC, but there are also new classes to attend at Silver Creek.
While it can seem confusing sometimes, I hope that you can find classes that suit your needs and are fun to make next year better than the last.
Hello! My name is Sam and I am a sophomore at Silver Creek. This is my first time in the Journalism class. I hope I can learn a lot from it. I want to...