Celebrating March 8th with National Women’s Day Events


As Black History Month came to an end, March commenced Women’s History Month.

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th because it acknowledges all the achievements and struggles that women all around the world have persevered through and achieved. Women’s history month became a month. Originally March 8th-14th was known as Women’s history week. The week was a time dedicated to celebrating women and their diversity. After a few years of this in 1981 they changed the week into a month and ever since then it has become Women’s History Month.

Throughout the world this day is met with many celebrations which often includes helping women feel empowered through fundraisers that support women.

Silver Creek High School’s teachers kicked off the started of this month with many English and History teachers having discussions with their classes about the importance of this day, and teaching some of the history that helped establish Women’s history month. These Teachers are additionally playing games with students and giving lessons on many achievements that women across the world have achieved.

The library also celebrates International Women’s Day by putting up book displays created with works by famous inspirational women, many of which have come from many different backgrounds, cultures, and styles. By doing so the library is contributing to the celebration of women, diversity, inclusion, and historical education all while promoting some fabulous reading material.

While people are enjoying the celebrations this day brings, it is also important to remember all the women who are struggling around the world.

“Speaking generally, a lot of American women are still fighting to have that equality”. Kristin Holtz, one of the Silver Creek librarians, stated. “I think that a lot of people have become complacent and they don’t realize that there still is an inequality, much of which we have seen with so many other inequalities. Everyone thinks ‘Oh we’re fine now’ and then something happens and we’re like ‘oh no we’re not”. Mrs Holtz is one of many who might suggest that women all over the world are still fighting for equality and who are fighting to have a voice.

The Silver Creek library is trying to help students and young women to be inspired and to read more books by many different female authors.

“I think if we make a bigger emphasis on the importance of the day and the month, I would hope that people would be inspired to either treat women better or to respect them,” Tina Fredo, another Silver Creeks Librarian, said. “If you are a woman or identity as a woman then to be the best you can be” she continued.

Next year Silver Creek teachers and the Librarians are hoping to see more and more activities that Silver Creek students can do to learn more about Women’s history month and the importance of it. They will be continuing some of the activities that they brought on this year and also expanding so there is more for students. The librarians are committed to helping students achieve this goal by continuing to promote women publications, and hosting fun activities that prompt discussion and reflection