What is the SRO training like?

Officer Douglas and Officer Stallings

SRO is an extra assignment which means you already have to be a sworn officer. So you need at the very least to have gone to the police academy, completed field training, and have some street experience. After that, there is a week-long class that you attend called SRO Basic Training. After that, there is usually a shadow phase where the new SRO works with the existing SRO before the transition. For Silver Creek, Officer Stallings is on her 7th school year here at Silver Creek. Officer Douglas is in his 3rd school year plus he worked in another city back in 2007-2008 where he was an SRO for a middle and high school. After you are in the school, an SRO still attends all department based ongoing training for general skills such as firearms, arrest control, drivers training, legal updates, first aid + CPR, and so on. Plus, there are school specific trainings we attend either in person or online such as search and seizure in the school setting, implicit bias training, mental health training and so on.